
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ohhh what a week!

It's Sunday night & still only mid -week for me,. ... but oh what a week.

Just finished with a FANTASTIC Leader Course in Oslo with some of our BEST & BRIGHTEST leaders.

... there is always a lot of work involved for the planning of the courses..
but we always learn something - while we prepare.
OK... it isn't alway WORK WORK WORK... it is also a great time to catch up with my colleagues  from around the country...

Had a FANTASTIC time this weekend.. and we worked on one of my favorite subjects...
Have I mentioned how much I love my job?
(Only place I have ever worked,where, during work hours I could apply my makeup 
& be on FACEBOOK & not get in trouble.. LOVE IT..  )

One of my favorite parts of our leadership seminars is all of the leaders from around the country  I have the opportunity to meet...  I always walk away with tons of new ideas.. and inspired by how they work.
and this time did not disappoint.

not only was the course fun... but afterwards we went to -

 Restaurant Eik  Annen Etage.   if you are in OSLO .. I HIGHLY recommend!
The service was great & the food was FAN- TAS-TIC

 & the socializing in the evening wasn't bad either :-)
Tough Job... but someone has to do it. :-)

Now it is off to bed for me...  it is offically 1st of October & the start of Breat Cancer awareness month & I will be out doing doing my part to support them here in Kristiansand.   Wish me luck!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Coming to a town near you!

"On the road again..."
 - this song is playing over & over in my head  as I pack up the car & get ready to hit the road again...

After a FANTASTIC evening in DOKKA last night... with 50 guests.. and a WHOLE ' lotta energy..
I am packing the car & heading to LARVIK this evening... for a Personal Make Up Evening...

- during a personal make up evening... we help our guests pick the best products for their skin
 & correct colors in make up.
in addition... we give you the tips & tricks you need to look your best every day...
-sounds like fun -no?

tomorrow... I will be in OSLO for the next 4 days...
Monday October 1st... I will be with one of my FAVORITE District Managers...Helene in

As you all know ORIFLAME  will once again be supporting
Breast Cancer Awarness Month..
with our FANTASTIC "Rosa Sløyfe pakke"...

if you are in our around Kristiansand on Oct. 1st ... Helelen & I hope you will come by & see us!

Tuesday  2 Oct. I will doing a make up evening in Porsgrunn..

from now until Christmas I will be zig zagging all around Southern Norway...
(one of the best parts of my job is all of the events & the new people I meet!)

I will be posting a calender of my events & activities in the upcoming months...
Our events are always open... the more the merrier!
if you need more information.. feel free to contact me! :-)

All about the BROWs....

Anyone who knows me... knows I am a FREAK when it comes to eyebrows....
they are SO important when it comes to putting your face on..
Your eyebrows are the FRAME to the rest of your face.

To keep your eyebrows in shape, apply brow gel after you’ve used the brow kit to define your brows. For longer-lasting results, apply the gel in the opposite direction, from back to front. Then brush front to back.

Giordani Gold Sculpting Brow Gel
Oriflame Beauty Eyebrow Kit

OK ladies... I am off to fix my eyebrows... and get ready for a premier this evening...
Oriflame Norway's front figure...  Erlend Elias is premiering his TV show this evening...
Should be a very INTERESTING event... 
another fun aspect of my job... :-) 

Make Up tips... Eye shadow for Brown Eyes

To make those gorgeous brown eyes pop,
 try a mix of mauve and purple.
A purple eye shadow will give that little extra glow....
Taupe Metal
Pure Colour Mono Eye Shadow 22591
Deep Purple
Pure Colour Mono Eye Shadow 22594
Earthy Brown
Pure Colour Mono Eye Shadow 23869

Monday, September 17, 2012

it's about taking a CHANCE...

All of my life I have been known for taking chances...
it is easy to take a chance when you are young & have no responsibilities.

I took a chance when I decided to move abroad when I was 19..
I took another chance when I decided not to go to law school and travel around the world on a cruise ship.
Taking chances were never a big deal...
I never wanted to regret the things I had NOT done.

I took a chance when I left my job, my friends & family in the U.S. to move to my husbands homeland here in Norway..
It was a VERY ROUGH couple of years... and I wondered about the chance I had taken to move here..

 We settled into our new life here in Norway and 
I ended up with  a good job working as the Cosmetic & Perfume Manager,
building up two stores from the bottom up.

I should have been happy... I should have been SATISFIED...
But there was something lacking.
I had accomplished all I could with this job...
and the thought of sitting in the same job for the next... how many years
made me sad... I craved CHANGE..
I needed to take a CHANCE...

Dare I leave my safe job... and take a chance with another company?
I wasn't sure...  after all, it sounds a little selfish...  everything was working fine..
my husband was happy, my kids were happy, my employer was happy...
everyone was happy... except me.

I decided to take a chance and send my application into a job as
being a Texas girl... I wasn't familiar with the brand... but I was willing to take a chance.

I can spare you all of the gory details... 
 such asclapping my hands and  me telling my interviewer, during my first interview that I was
Or my second interview with the Director to find out it would be conducted in SWEDISH..
(I don't speak Swedish)
It all worked out.. and here I sit.  Working as Oriflame's Area Sales Manager for Southern Norway.

I love the TOGETHERNESS... with all of the FANTASTIC people I have met since I joined Oriflame.
I love the CAN.DO SPIRIT  of my leaders and consultants.-  you have never seen a more motivated bunch
I love the PASSION within Oriflame... We LOVE what we do..

Are YOU willing to take a CHANCE? - To make a CHANGE?

TogethernessPeople who work together and share the same goals achieve greater results. They motivate each other and know that pulling together is more rewarding than going it alone.
SpiritPeople with a can-do spirit have a winning attitude and never give up. They are committed to do what it takes to succeed.
Passionate people have the power to change the world. They love what they do, they believe in it. They know deep down that they can make a difference.